about Bounty

This is the blog about the making of the film "Bounty, written and directed by Kevin Kangas, starring Tom Proctor, Neil Conway, John Rutland, Demetrius Parker, Chris Obrocki, Michelle Trout, Leanna Chamish, Savannah Costello, Johnny Alonso and Mary Werntz.

We did some crazy stuff to make this movie, and now you get in on the action...

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Thursday, May 26, 2016

Bounty is Available to Stream on Amazon

Check it out while you can--you can buy it for $9.99 or stream it for $1.99

I can assure you that's a temporary price. I normally don't let Amazon do the rentals, because they set the price and they always set it too low. Case in point--there you go. For every $1.99 viewing we get a massive $.90!

Yeah, it's a shitty split, but what are you gonna do?

Link here: